Cover of Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah, showing a scythe and flames against a yellow background

Chain-Gang All-Stars

It’s Boxing Day* so my fancy has lightly turned to thoughts of violence: Chain Gang All Stars is a barely dystopian story of prisoners turned gladiators. It’s a book about our culture of violence, but even though the brutality is written beautifully (something I personally have a problem with) it doesn’t glorify it. Quite the…

lawn, lawnmower, green-1812944.jpg

Get off my lawn – or, just because you *can* write something, doesn’t mean you should

Twenty years ago, I took my first online writing class. In the early weeks, students posted short stories and critiqued them as a getting-to-know-you exercise. My friend Renee was living in Boston but had grown up in Minnesota, and the other students gushed at how her prose shimmered like wheat fields in the summer sun….